Snapchat will now be going head to head with TikTok and even Instagram with its new music feature. This Snapchat news was announced on August 3rd, 2020 and they will start testing a new music feature that allows users to add music to their snaps – similar to TikTok. Recently, TikTok users have been exploring new apps similar to TikTok as the Trump Administration is working on banning TikTok. This will give Snapchat a chance to capitalize on their new music features.
This Snapchat news is very exciting; users will now be able to add music to their snaps either before or after they shoot their content. Snapchat has promised its users a “robust” selection of music. This is possible due to the deals that Snap has with music industry partners such as: Warner Music Group, Universal Music Publishing Group and more.
When a user sends a Snap with music to a friend, that friend will be able to swipe up to see the album, artist name, song title and album art. The recent Snapchat news also states that there will be a link to “Play This Song” if users decide they like a song that they hear. When you click “Play This Song” a web view will allow users to listen to the entire song on whichever platform they choose, such as: Spotify, SoundCloud or Apple Music.
Snapchat claims that its new music feature will allow fans to form a deeper connection with music and the artists. As of today, Snapchat reaches more users between the ages of 13 and 24 than Instagram and Facebook combined. Snapchat reaches 90% of users between 13 and 24 years old and it also reaches 75% of users between the ages of 13 and 34 years old. Even though TikTok has a huge international base, Snapchat also claims it still reaches more users than TikTok AND Twitter combined- that’s a lot of users.
A Snapchat spokesperson stated, “We’re constantly building on our relationships within the music industry, and making sure the entire music ecosystem — artists, labels, songwriters, publishers and streaming services — are seeing value in our partnerships,” regarding the Snapchat news on their new music feature.
Snapchat plans on releasing the new music feature across English speaking markets this fall.